Sunday, 9 March 2025

Original Citadel Paint Sets, Warhammer First Edition and Researching Ulvar Vileblood


It has been a busy time for old Orlygg. The dreaded duo of work and family commitments has reared its ghastly head and kept me from my true occupation: the collecting and painting of little lead men from the 1980s - or those figures that share the peculiar 'style' of those times. 

Even so, I've been able to spare a few moments to start researching the Chaos Warriors I plan to paint in the near future. There really isn't much out there online about the early Specialty Sets( which reminds me of the days when I first started this blog with WFB 3rd edition) However, I did come across this lovely old advertisement in the back of the Second Citadel Compendium showing a little more history of the Citadel Colour sets I find so wonderful. I must say, despite years of research I've never seen this 'Paint Set 1' ad before nor had I ever seen any surviving examples for sale. Judging by the photographs, the bottles match that of my trusty Citadel Colour too. 

Though, weren't those John Blanche pieces painted with enamels? 

So I had a little explore of what we used to call the 'World Wide Web' and had a lovely time discovering all about this obscure little range. Starting with the ad-infested nightmare that is the 'Games Workshop Wiki'  I found some clearer images, though the accuracy of the site left much to be desired. No wonder those Youtubers produce so much dross about the history of GW if they rely on sites such as this. If you dare to click on the link I have provided you will 'learn' that the Space Marine paint set was released in 1986 - a full year before Rogue Trader was even published, and the two early sets that pique my interest arrived in the world in 1988!! Nonsense obviously.

Still, I didn't know that my beloved paint sets were released in 1984 so it was good to have that confirmed. Interestingly, there is a little painting guide in the Second Compendium written by a young Kevin Adams that is worth a nostalgic read

Still, I managed to get two decent images of the boxes there.


Chancing a look at the 'BIN hell' that is eBay these days, I found a seller with the second set. Just the empty box mind you. But it gave me a chance to look at the set in more detail. There were several Set 1s for sale too, as can be seen here so perhaps that set was more popular back in the day. On the reverse side of these boxes are a full colour description of the paints inside and as I suspected, they match the Colour and Creature sets we all know and love here. 

As you will no doubt agree, having these pictures in my possession will help me match those remaining shades I don't have access to at the moment, namely Shining Gold, Red Gore and Ghoul Grey. A true Brazen Brass from this era still eludes me so if any enthusiasts out there have a pot hidden in the depths of their collection please let me know and take a little snapshot for old Orlygg. As my Chaos warriors date from 1983, I can now say for certain that the shades in Citadel Colour/Creature paint sets are 'legit' colours for our purposes. 

Having matched my favourite paints to the earlier '80s, I've found myself increasing intrigued by First Edition Warhammer. Having always assumed it was rubbish and that preslotta was crap it seems I have missed out on a wealth of interesting ideas, art and miniatures. How wrong I was in my arrogant youth when my drawers (furniture ones) hung heavy with slotta-based classics to dismiss the era. Still, it leaves a whole wealth of material to explore and pore over in the coming days. I've spotted a slightly mislisted (though totally 'preloved') copy of WFB1 online and I've put a sneaky bid on it. I'm sure that 'My Favourite MiniatureTM' won't mind me a 99p indulgence away from our quest to save up for a loft conversion. At least, I hope not...

On to my appointment with one Ulvar Vileblood. And what a wonderful name he has too. With a name like Vileblood one would imagine him to be somehow poisonous or diseased. Perhaps that will give me a little inspiration when it comes to colour schemes. Again, having a look online there really wasn't much out there to go on save the soLegends example and some wonderful work done by a fellow blogger by the name of Mars-Miniatures who painted the whole set in 2017. 


Both have a metallic theme going on which I think I will avoid as my paints aren't brilliant in this regard. At the moment I am rather stumped at how to approach these figures... one thought is to chose a basecolour as a theme and work around that. Then again, I'm a big fan of red chaos warriors so maybe a scarlet and black scheme would suit the figure? As I said earlier, with a name like Vileblood perhaps a venomous green is more apt?

Choices, choices...

Before I go I'll leave you with this... I love the strapline 'Citadel Colour: Fantasy Reality'. This was obviously meant to be part of the branding of the paint range and its a shame they dropped it as I kind of like it. It also goes to show, that after decades of collecting, writing and blogging about '80s Citadel/Games Workshop there are still fun little facts to discover. 


Saturday, 1 March 2025

Co2/1d White Wizard from 1983


A quick post today for the start of a brand new month. March has arrived, the fields are full of hares happily hopping here in Essex and the sun shines down on a hapless hobbist who is trying to take a decent snap of his wizard.

An extraordinary turn of events for someone who a few months ago didn't even own a paint brush!

In the end, the sun was too bright to get a decent snap so I retreated inside and used the rather ancient textured wallpaper in the front room as a backdrop. I really need to get around to printing some more scenes out like I had years ago.

Trouble is, I'm just too busy at the moment to spend any quality time with my beloved miniatures. This weekend I have my teenage children who required me to be Robert de Niro (a taxi driver) and ferry them around to their social lives. Even so, I managed to get the based finished of this lovely little figure.

He has taken me long enough as well. He was started a week ago during half-term week. He also stands as the final figure to be painted with my recreated 'Citadel Colour' set. With my next project I plan to upgrade to the monster set and try and improve the way I paint and shade different colours. 

I've picked the first two figures for my next project already. I've just cleaned and based them up, though I plan to do a little research on these early figures before I start work. I'm intrigued to see how enthusiasts painted them back in the early '80s. And of course, how more modern fans of old '80s preslotta have treated them in more recent times. 

Until then,


Saturday, 22 February 2025

Famous Familiars: Walking Book and Stilts


Hello everyone... I've been busy painting those two old figures I found in the attic and I am glad to say that I have finished them. There is still one more to go, which I've started but not yet finished from the little cache I uncovered so hopefully you will be seeing that figure soon. 

I know, I know that the picture above isn't the best snap. I took it with my phone out in the garden as normal but I think my photography skills aren't like they once were, especially compared to the images you see below. In the future, when we have clearer skies I'll take some better snaps for posterity. I'm glad I photographed all of my work years back so I have a clear record of what I achieved now that my old painted collection is no more. 

The Old Orlygg was a pretty decent painter, though at the time I didn't feel it. Funny that... wish I had the same grasp of colour and skill with a brush now.

I painted the Walking Book first and I was pretty pleased with how the feet came out, though my flesh mix was too pale in the end. I really need to stop adding white when I highlight... its such a bad habit that results in washed out highlights but I guess its something I need to relearn over again. I ruined the look with the sand basing, so for future models the sand is going to be glued on the figure before work begins to try and avoid that pitfall. 

The Walking Book's pages pleased me, I was able to freehand lines to resemble writing quite easily though I miss my inks of yore when doing this. Watered down '80s paint doesn't quite have the same vibrancy. I might come back in the future and rework this model, especially the base and the toe nails.

Stilts was a different story, in fact he was a revelation. Something just clicked in me when I was painting his body and I felt that my old Realm of 80s style was suddenly back. I messed up the hooves somewhat with the basing and that certainly needs a little rework when the third familiar is ready to show to the world. But what do you guys think? Has progress been made from that initial plastic skelly?

Its nice to look back at my old work to learn some lessons. For the next figure I need to work on three areas:
1) Sort out the basing first and looking at these old figures has reminded me of the yellow wash I used to put over the top of a base to tone it down. That is a pretty quick fix. 
2) Stop using white as a highlight. With the Monster Paint Set mostly restored there are some nice alternative shades in there... though I might just bite the bullet and look for something more modern in Ian's astonishing gift. 
3) Attempt a deeper colour vibrancy through careful mixing and basecoating. I'm pretty sure I achieved that with Stilts. Its funny, thinking back all these things used to 'just happen' without much thought. The green flesh I'm so pleased with 'just happened' with the Stilts figure too. 

Armoured Mite and Daemonet are two big inspirations for the next figure. I was pleased with the metal mace on the Liche and love how I produced such a dark, greasy look with the Mite. I'm pretty sure it was Chainmail with lots of black and blue washes with two layers of highlights. Basecoat and bright silver on the edge work. This is how I'd like to get my armour and metals looking in future. I love the blue and purple of the Daemonet - clearly white hasn't been used to produce any basecoats here... boy it really is a bad habit (: I'd like to work with purple (the Monster Set has a lovely shade) and maybe try to get a better red look too. 

Daemonette, Beastling and Toad were other figures I once had. Again, there is lots I'd like to relearn here. Looking at Toad first, it notice I've used spot colours to provide contrast to the green skin... something I would love to try again... I remember as I type that back then I used a lot of colour harmony with the paints I mixed up. Certainly something to add to my list of improvements. Hair is also foxing me, and the White Wizard I've been working on certainly shows this. Looking at the Beastling its now obvious I need to go darker with my shading (too much white again, methinks) and try and pick out the look of the hair rather than what has been sculpted. Finally, Daemonette. Looking at her I'd say more red in my flesh mix. I've already tried this with the White Wizard so we will see next post how things go there. 

Phew... lots to achieve next month. 

I'll leave with my old Creeping Claw. If memory serves, this was a speed paint. With a rotting flesh base by the looks of things. At the time, May 2020, I wasn't happy with the result. Now I'd dearly love to be able to produce something like this. I guess I'm having nostalgia for nostalgia... how funny...

The next chance to paint will probably be next Saturday morning, so expect more from me next weekend.

Until then, all the best everyone.


Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Citadel C17 Liche, Paint Sets, Warriors of Chaos SS1b and an old friend rediscovered


Despite catching something 'orrible from school, most likely Covid, the first few days of my half-term have been a pleasant mix of relaxation and more relaxation. 'My Favourite Miniature' and I had no children at all for four solid days so took the opportunity to spend some time at home. We listened to '80s classics on the radio, watched daytime TV while she worked on her giraffe cross-stich and I got on with some painting. 

I've found that the window sill in the lounge is far better source of than the kitchen. With the weather bright and beautiful here, I've had day after day of lovely sunlight to work by. Aided by my trusty optivisor I found myself starting lots of different figures but not really finishing any... I guess I got a bit carried away. 

Still, I finished the Liche this morning and managed a quick snap in the garden as I was taking out the rubbish. When I have a little more time I'll take some better pictures. You might notice something else familiar about the picture up top... but more about that later. Hopefully, the Leadhead Who Cannot Be Named approves?

The Liche was painted with my set of nine paints and has lots of depth to it. I wanted a faded, just out of the crypt kind of look. After all, one day this chap will lead my Skeleton Horde so he will have to look his necromantic best. My brushwork is coming along though my biggest issue at the moment is not being able to get the water/paint ratio quite right. Its either too wet and doesn't leave enough pigmentation or its too dry and looks flakey. 

Still, he is done and I'm working on my skills once more. 

Daffyd contacted me a while back about some old lead. He, like us all, had a bit of a crazy splurge buying up all kinds of stuff online before realising his true passion: dwarves and skaven. He offered to forwards on something from his leadpile. This turned out to be the SS1b boxset from the earlier '80s. With my skills not yet up to doing the Skeleton Horde justice, further preslotta models are just the sort of project that I need. These old castings are far more forgiving than those era defining plastics. 

Opening up the box, everything that should be there is all present and correct. I'll just have to order some more bases to start work on these legendary figures. These are some of the very first Chaos Warrior figures from Citadel and they are very different in style. Harry the Hammer (or should we say Uthmog Elvenbane?) is nestled down the bottom of the tray. These are varied and exciting sculpts for an '80s enthusiast as I am sure you will all agree. As soon as my preslotta wizard is finished, I plan to start work on all 10 of these. Though a couple of the models need a trip to Dettol City before I begin. 

Daffyd.... thank you for your generosity in helping this old blog slowly stagger back into life. You have made me very happy indeed. I salute you!

Jon1066, like Ian before him,  joins the ranks of godlike glory for sending these two paint sets to me. Getting your hands on things like this really are lifechanging and its hard to put into words what it means to me. I am so, so grateful to you Jon.... thank you so much for these. Oh, the nostalgia of opening these up the other day. I was back in my late '80s bedroom again... and nearly forty years on these simple paints inspire me deeply to paint classic Citadel and make it look as good as it did on the back of the boxes...

I couldn't do it then, and I'm still struggling now.... Jon1066 I salute you for helping me with another step on the journey. 


These sets are a bit more complete than my temporary jobs I spoke about a while back. Its clear to me now that I misjudged some of the colours in the Citadel Colour boxset but thanks to Jon I've got that 100% correct now. I added my Chaos Black to this set to finish things off. As you can see, if you are interested in these things, I got Bronzed Flesh a bit out and Woodland Green was too light. Still, with these sets now I my possession I can approach the next batch of figures with a little bit more '80s authenticity. The Monster Paint set looks to be in a good state too, with both Titiliating Pink and Bilious Green in good condition. Brazen Bronze though has deteriorated as these old metallics are want to do. One of my next steps is to try and work out what shade this was and find a suitable match. 

Jon was also kind enough to chuck in a RT01 Space Marine Sprue and a Space Orc trooper. Wow! Again, thank you Jon. You know, I've never actually put my hands on one of these classic sets. I've never even painted up one of these old marines before, though I have got some very, very grotty cast offs in a bag here. It seems some Rogue Trader painting will be on the cards at some point too. I wonder if these original plastic marines are more forgiving than Skeleton Horde? 

Speaking of the Horde, Mack from dropped me a line to say that he had a spare sprue of the final four skeletons needed to complete the original 24 models. They are somewhere in the postal service but Mack you need a salute too. Thank you to helping me achieve the near impossible. Check out his blog when you have a minute or two as there is loads on there to enjoy. 

Finally, I had a spot of luck the other day. I was up in the loft clearing out one of the many boxes of stuff we have acquired on our 'adventures'. What I thought to be a box of my kids' old artwork was actually hiding the remnants of my old painting set up. I guess someone just tipped the lot into the box and then dropped it off at my residence shortly after I was told to leave my home. The few paints I was using have long dried up and the paintbrushes were in a terrible state, not even suitable for drybrushing! However, underneath them lay what was left of my old scenery board originally constructed for the Good, the Bad and the Rusty White Dwarf game. Additionally, my old bag of foliage and a hedge I had been using to photograph the final models of my old life. 

The keen eyed, and long time reading, grognards of this blog will have recognised this set up with the Liche at the start of this post. It was wonderful to stumble across this lot again and I am so pleased it hasn't been lost like so much else. Though my foliage has lots much of its spring and some of the red colour has stained the other stuff its priceless to have a little bit of my old life back with me. It also means I can take some better photographs of my models as my technique (hopefully) improves.

Finally, squashed into the bottom of the box was an old takeaway container full of pens. Amongst them were a small selection of models I had been working on in May 2020. I hadn't actually got any further than base coating them really. They were bent and chipped but they were mine. 

I'm off to paint them now... and finish that wizard. 

See you soon and thanks to everyone who has helped me, and this blog, get back on its feet. 



Monday, 10 February 2025

Citadel C34 Earth Elemental, Orlygg Delves into Dettol and a spot of wizardspotting

I am pleased with this figure. Painting it made me feel a little like my old self. And afterwards, when I took the snap you can see above I thought 'that mini could have held its own alongside my old stuff'. If I ever had a style, I guess I can see it in this Earth Elemental. 

So I must be making progress.

Working on such a large figure had its advantages. Anyone struggling with their eyes is going to find larger objects easier to work with. Sticking with just one colour also was a boon. I know that this model is labelled an Earth elemental but I gave it a strong rock scheme. This was largely for convenience's sake, as I've only got 9 colours to work with and keeping the same brown tone consistent would have been a challenge. Grey is probably the easiest colour to mix.

I was able to work on my layering and highlighting and have found that my brush is moving quicker and with greater accuracy than those plastic skeletons from last month. 

So it feels like I am improving. Hopefully, you agree...


I am sure you all know the C34 range of elementals and other creatures. There were three other models in this set and a good few years back GW made them available to buy once again on their website, along with the Famous Familiars. Part of me wishes I'd taken the plunge back then and this model was great fun to paint, and I have a feeling the others would be too.

Not that taking the plunge back then would aid me now. As all those figures are lost to me unfortunately.  However, starting again has its own sense of clarity and freedom but its nice to have a crack at a well known model. 

I hope you like him....


I also took some snaps of those ghastly preslottas that stunk out the kitchen. After I prized them out of the cup they had resided in for many years I found that the base of them had formed into strange crystals as can be seen in the first picture. Could this be 'lead rot' in crystalised form? 

You can also see the preserved remains of what was once a wasp!! I had hoped it was a snotling or something... but not such luck this time. 


Cutting away the worst of the residue I left the models over night to soak and as you can see in the final photo they have cleaned up pretty well. They've been returned to their bath for another night to see if I can shift any stubborn left over paint. I'll be giving them another good clean tomorrow. With a horde of skeletons slowly forming it would do well to have a liche to lead them. 

Stuart Klatcheff's encyclopedic knowledge of early '80s figures served me well once again as he recognised the liche immediately to be from the C17 series. The wizard he was not so sure of... though Ral Partha sprang to mind. 

Can any of you keen eyed '80s enthusiasts place the figure? 

Both of these will be my next painting project. I have some battered bases here that can no longer be used to fit slotta models and with a little superglue and blu-tak should hold together quite nicely. 

Next time we speak these two should be ready to battle it out. 


Sunday, 9 February 2025

C06 Dwarf 'Bandit', Skeleton Horde and a Leadhead's Challenge


Well, the 'Bandit' dwarf is finally complete. With the help of some weekend daylight and the optivisor I've managed to get him finished. I'm still just using the nine colours of my recreated 'Citadel Colour' paintset so everything you see here is mixed from that. 

I've also had the time to get outside this weekend and use the natural light to take a proper photograph. Down the bottom of my garden there is a large pond. We've rebuilt much of the edge of the bank along one side and the wooden support is a perfect prop for a figure. Last year's rushes make a muted background colour that help hide my terrible painting skills.

Hmmm, time to be a little more constructive yet critical. I'm pleased with the chainmail (it took me two attempts) and I was after the 'look' of how things were done in our era. Surely just a black undercoat with a drybrush of silver over to top? So I tried that and it looked a little uneven. So I darkened things down with a black wash around the joins and folds of the chainmail and things look presentable. 

My flesh painting has got better and looks less bleached out. I've reduced the amount of white paint that I'm mixing in now and starting from a darker base. Years ago when old Orlygg and this blog where at their height, I used to feel that painting skin tones on big models was my signature style. How the mighty fall eh?

Still, things are going in the right direction. 

I am pleased with the highlighting I've done on the clothing too, especially the green folds on the tunic and cloak. I felt that some of my speed was returning too and I was able to keep adding in more paint to swiftly highlight edges. 

Freehand work on the shield tempted me and I had a go... but I don't have the skills to do anything justice anymore so a simple medieval style seems to suit. 

What do you think?

I've been lucky enough to receive loads more bits and bobs for my skeleton horde project too. David Cammack sent me lots of broken pieces of his leftover skellies, five bases and most importantly... a few '80s shields. Thank you so much David... I salute you.... Its going to make such a difference to add a few period shields to my models when my skills return to the level I want. 

A nice chap known only as Dan also sent me a bag of skeleton pieces from his multiple Skeleton Army projects. I salute you too... I reckon I can build around 20 odd skellies with a little luck so I'm not far off the goal of 24 now, though I am lacking in bases. I see Amazon do big job lots of bases so there shouldn't be any problems in solving that issue when the time comes.

H.Brockley has also helped with the project by sending me a rather battered, squashed and dusty original box of Skeleton Horde. Of course its was empty but I reckon I can find something to insert inside to give it some shape and make a bit of a hobby display. You never know, it might encourage to keep plugging away at improving the painting skills. 

I salute you as well.... Thank you so much for the box... it really made me smile when I opened it. 

The Leadhead Who Doesn't Wish to Be Named emailed me an appalling confession. He has piles of '80s preslotta just lying in a box in disgraceful condition. He sent me a lovely lead elemental a couple of weeks ago and boy was that thing heavy. I'm no scientist but those old lead sculpts pick up some kind of grime don't they... someone out there must know what I mean by this? Anyway, I cleaned it up as best I could and got an undercoat over the top of it. With such simple detail I'm pretty sure it's recoverable... but lets see in a future post.

The elemental wasn't the worst of it.... check this out!

I am guessing by the smell that these two have been trapped in dried up Dettol for many, many years. The orange stuff you can see is solid and rubbery and smells vile. As far as I can tell we have two wizards, though the figure at the bottom may be a Necromancer...? The Leadhead Who Doesn't Wish to Be Named has challenged me (as a desperate painter with no figures) to attempt to bring these miniatures back to life, if I can. After all, beggars cannot be choosers can they?

I'm not sure saluting you is appropriate if you leave models in this condition (:

I'm off to continue the elemental I mentioned earlier. I did the food shop this morning before rushing back to deal with a blocked toilet. Old Orlygg managed to slip in a bottle of Dettol alongside the milk. Those fellows above will be soaking away by the time you read this missive. 


Sunday, 2 February 2025

Recreating the Monster and Creature Paint Sets

Hello and welcome back to RoC80s... 'The Blog that Died' and has returned. I've spent much of the last week or so closing a few deals, hunting through a few retro shops and having my lessons disturbed by the arrival of more packages. 

I had a long chat with my old mate Stuart, who informed me of GW trend of reproducing old, primarily Marauder figures, for their Old World Range... with prices to match eBay's worst. At least if you do take the plunge you don't need to fear a recast of which I have seen a huge number, especially for Rogue Trader and Chaos ranges. He also recommended an Optivisor to help deal with the eyesight problems I've mentioned as I get back into painting. 

Stuart... I salute you...

I'll be trying that out properly tomorrow on Monday painting night... fingers crossed.  

Thanks to a couple of generous folks I am now in possession of the Monster and Creature paint sets, well the half empty boxes mostly.  Both of the boxes are in fairly decent condition though they are more than a little faded. Not really unexpected considering the passing of time.

Neither were complete paint wise though TimG has been kind enough to send me some of his spare 'old school' colours. Tim I salute you too! Which along with Ian's life changing contribution are being put to work rebuilding these two classic sets.

The best preserved was the Creature Paint set and if memory serves it was the second of the original boxes that I received way back in 1988/9. I am guessing that the previous owner liked Hobgoblin Orange, Elf Grey and Bestial Brown enough to go out and buy the later replacements. If I remember correctly, these sets would often come unlabelled and the sticker on the front of the pots were only present of bought singularly in a store. But I have a vague memory of this not always being consistent. 

Can you guess at my proxies here?

Yes, Worm Purple, Goblin Green and Swamp Brown are all from Ian's Foundry donations. Swamp Brown is way off while Worm Purple and especially Goblin Green are not there yet. Trouble is, my memories and comparative materials online are influenced by the '90s version of Goblin Green which is the famous shade everyone recalls so fondly.

I pretty sure the original colour was slightly different. The Creature Paint Set was much more mute and pastel in its shades with what come later. 


The Monster Paint Set had more vivid colours as can be seen here. Imperial Purple, Bestial Brown, Titillating Pink and Billious Green are all original paints. Brazen Bronze is Magic Metal from the Coat d'Arms range. Not sure that this colour is quite right but I bought it on a whim to test out how reliable a website was and wish I'd gone for a lighter tone. The two blues are place holders from Ian's wonderful gift. They are suppose to reference Moody Blue and Electric Blue but look too similar under a light to be suitable in the long run. Ghoul grey on reflection looks too dark, and as this too is a placeholder it may well be a back to the drawing board job there too. Red Gore too is also too bright and looks to me to perhaps be a Blood Red.

Oh, and Billious Green is totally dried out. The only casualty after 35 plus years. But the paint pot gives me an idea of what needs mixing up in future to get a colour close to it. 

The trouble is I haven't found a huge amount of quality reference. There is the famous advert from White Dwarf circa 1989...

There is this fantastic website to go on. GAW paint collecting. Which contains many of the paints in these sets as well as loads I never even heard of back then. I owned Colour, Creature, Monster and Space Marine sets and those 36 paints were all a young enthusiast would ever require, so I never dipped into anything else - no pun intended. 


Here are the reference shots from GAW. The Creature paint set is looking fairly consistent with what I now have. What do you fellow enthusiasts think? The Monster paint set needs work, though one of the blues I have chosen in a good match. From what I recall Electric Blue was a popular bright shade but Moody Blue is going to be harder to acquire. I don't think I have anything in my collection to match to that. Swamp Brown I'm more confident on finding something similar amongst what I have been given/bought so far. 

I may need to mix a couple of shades together to create a closer tie with these colours.

That is certainly true of Billious Green which is a lovely radioactive shade. Of course, if you know anywhere decent online to get any colours similar to these lost classics please let me know. I don't intend on using any of these paints until I am happy that the colour match as closely as I can. So its likely that the Creature set will see action before the Monster one does. As I still relearning how to paint, keeping things simple is only going to help. 

I hope at least. 

My next job is to work on my technique so I can reach a level to tackle through four skeletons from the Horde without my eyes crossing permanently. After that Gnome warrior I've got a taste for the stunties. Among the models donated to me is Bandit model from the C06 Dwarfs... so I am off to base and undercoat him ready to test out that Optivisor thing tomorrow.
